Lecturas compartidas el 17 de marzo de 2024
#ATP #CurryHoward #FunctionalProgramming #Haskell #ILP #ITP #LambdaCalculus #Lean4 #Logic #LogicProgramming #Math #Programming #Python
Buenos días
Las lecturas compartidas en Mastodon el 17 de marzo de 2024 son
Lecturas compartidas el 16 de marzo de 2024. #Coq #FormalVerification #ILP #ITP #IsabelleHOL #Lean4 #LogicProgramming #SMT #cvc5
Libro "Calculemus (Demostraciones con Lean4)" (versión 16-mar-24). #ITP #LeanProver #Lean4 #Matemáticas
#Exercitium: Reconocimiento de potencias de 4. #Haskell #Python #Matemáticas
A study on actions for atomic logics. ~ Raül Espejo-Boix. #ITP #Coq #Logic
A bargain for mergesorts (functional pearl) – How to prove your mergesort correct and stable, almost for free. ~ Cyril Cohen, Kazuhiko Sakaguchi. #ITP #Coq
Binomial tabulation: A short story. ~ Hsiang-Shang Ko, Shin-Cheng Mu, Jeremy Gibbons. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
Building my own HTTP server in Haskell. #Haskell #FunctionalProgramming
Reification, Curry-Howard correspondence, and didactical consequences. ~ Reinhard Oldenburg. #CurryHoward #FunctionalProgramming #LambdaCalculus
Logic and logic programming. ~ J. A. Robinson (1992). #Logic #LogicProgramming #ATP
Computer programming as an art. ~ Donald E. Knuth (1974). #Programming
Scientific knowledge discovery using inductive logic programming. ~ Stephen Muggleton (1999). #ILP
"The rest of the world disappears": Claire Voisin on mathematical creativity (The recipient of the 2024 Crafoord Prize in Mathematics discusses math as art, math as language, and math as abstract thought). ~ Jordana Cepelewicz (@jordanacep). #Math
También están en GitHub.
Saludos, José A.
"La mejor cura para el cuerpo es una mente tranquila." ~ Napoleón Bonaparte (1769-1821).